Monday, June 29, 2009
St. Paul: Papist!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Naked Civil Servant
Friday, June 26, 2009
Three Cheers for Ecological Apocalypse
When We First Learned We Were Conservative
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Mark Sanford: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Michael Jackson is Dead
"Get Out, You Homosexual Demon!"
Justice Thomas Wants to Search Schoolgirl's Undies.
Mark Sanford IS Don Draper!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Oh. It Was a Girl.
New Anglicans to be Purpose-Driven
Where is the World Is Governor Sanford?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
No Good Deed ...
"I arrived this morning to find windows smashed at the front of our church and our main doorway smashed as well," [Morgan] said.
"Stones were lying scattered on the floor inside and outside, and ... broken glass was everywhere.
"It would be easy to conclude it was carried out by someone who didn't like our response to the Romanians, but that is only guesswork."
He said the church had been "thrilled that we were able to respond to the Romanian situation ... these broken windows wouldn't have stopped us anyway".
"Once I Am Thoroughly Drunk ..."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ah, College Days
O, Peter Steinfels ...
The article is titled “Cheaper Than Therapy.”
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Taliban's In Trouble Now
This Will Show Those Mozarabicists
If You are Preaching Tomorrow ...
Can You Subscribe to "The Economist" in Romania?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Jon Stewart is a Menace to National Security
Justice Department lawyers told the judge that future presidents and vice presidents may not cooperate with criminal investigations if they know what they say could become available to their political opponents and late-night comics who would ridicule them.
"If we become a fact-finder for political enemies, they aren't going to cooperate," ... Smith said during a 90-minute hearing. "I don't want a future vice president to say, `I'm not going to cooperate with you because I don't want to be fodder for 'The Daily Show.'"
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Iranian Regime Doesn't Watch MSNBC
Sex Scandal Is Good News for GOP
- John Ensign is Tough on Crime. Seems the wronged husband was trying to blackmail him before he went public. The confession put an end to that. So you see what this was, right? A sting operation! Ensign had sex with the guy's wife as a means of defeating a criminal conspiracy.
- John Ensign Doesn't Have to Pay for It. Unlike that mama's boy David Vitter. And think about this -- Ensign is from Nevada, a state where prostitution is legal. And he still doesn't pay for it.
- John Ensign Likes Girls. Hah! Take that, Larry Craig, you moral degenerate.
What They Don't Tell You
Monday, June 15, 2009
Honking Big Lutheran Parish Defects
[S]omething was missing. We’d become an organization competing for market-share with other program-driven churches, but that wasn’t accomplishing our mission—we weren’t creating empowered disciples.
We’d put all our energy into dispensing religious goods and services, and as a result we were not empowering our people to transform their community. If our church, with the sheer power of its numbers, was populated with empowered disciples, they would be feeding the hungry and building deep, meaningful relationships with their neighbors. In short, they would be involved with community transformation. We were neither salt nor light—we were mere consumers.
In the old days, we protected people’s anonymity; today we thrust them into community, living life together.
Crazy Mother of the Day: Beccah Beushausen
- First sad ending: April was born, survived a few hours, and then died.
- Second sad ending: It was all a lie.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Newsflash: Not All NYC Cops Tell the Truth
In early January, 2008, undercover narcotics officers entered a bar and looked around. Moments after they left, and acting on their word, a team swept in and made six arrests. We're not sure about four of those arrests, which -- for the moment -- we will assume were valid.
Augustine, on Schism
Friday, June 12, 2009
Detroit, In Retrospect
Telling "Right" from "Left."
[Liturgical] Information Wants to Be Free!
- That this system is deeply beloved of publishers, such as ICEL and GIA (or Augsburg and Concordia) who make a lot of money from it;
- That scholars in medicine and the natural sciences have begun to move away from a system of copyrights and fees, both because it keeps much of their research buried, and because they believe that lives may depend upon the rapid dissemination of that research;
- That the work of liturgical scholars and translators is no less vital to the life of the church;
- That so long as the current copyright regime continues, "People will continue to circulate compositions and books and publications in secret, fearing lawsuits and crackdown."
- A certain amount of copyright violation, answered by some legal action; and then
- A strong move toward public-domain resources.