Saturday, February 05, 2011

We Have a Dream

Ordinarily, we at the Egg do not share our dreams in public, nor voluntarily consort with those who do. Last night, though, our subconscious dreamed up a whopper, and we want to share one or two highlights, for the amusement of those who know the players.
  • In one sequence, our late former bishop William Lazareth was leading a synod ministerium. This year, he advised us magisterially, would be a bit different. Then he led us, crawling like babies, down the corridor of a high school, and took us on a tour of the different science classrooms. We were all expected to choose one for the coming semester.
  • In another, we dropped in on bookstore readings by J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis, two writers who have -- sorry, people! -- never interested us much at all. Lewis turned out to be a heavily overweight woman in her late 50s, who interrupted a lot and didn't like Lutherans. When we mentioned politely how much her writing meant to many of our friends, she exclaimed: "So you should give me money!" Playing along, we pulled a couple of greenbacks from our wallet, which she folded up like origami and left on the sidewalk as bait. For ... something.
There's a lot more where that came from, but you get the idea. It was a weird night. We've gotta lay off the fried foods.

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