Saturday, July 19, 2008

If You Thought Liberals Lacked the Capacity for Self-Criticism ...

You could watch the video of Jesse Jackson talk about castrating Barack Obama. We expect it's all over the Net.

Or you might click the link, and read an article from The Nation -- self-described "flagship of the Left" -- which in a more civil but no less purposeful tone ridicules Naomi Klein's "cookie-cutter" vision of world politics.  Apparently, she got pretty famous leading the charge against globalization, back when anybody gave a hoot.  Now she thinks that it (along with Milton Friedman, who is sort of like her Doctor Sivana) can explain everything from Tiananmen Square to Iraq. 

That's okay.  We at the Egg are notoriously receptive to both conspiracy theories and oversimplifications that explain everything.  Which brings us to Seminex ....

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