Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Odd Hours

After years of eye-straining work, today Father A. hit the "print" key on his Latin-English prayer book. Here's what the dust-jacket will look like.

For some readers, this will strike a sentimental note. It harks back to the 1958 Service Book and Hymnal -- and specifically to the nice leather-bound edition that Grandpa Anonymous used to use. (Except, of course, that his didn't have any Latin. An oversight on the part of Luther D. Reed, no doubt.)

There is a lot of SBH genetic material in this book, most of it inherited from the Common Service Book. The Matins and Vespers services use the CSB/SBH structure. The difference is that, in the old hymnals, you had to flip pages to find the seasonal propers. Here, each season's office is printed along with with its versicles, responsories, psalm antiphons and suggested hymns.

But there's more inside than just the SBH, or for that matter just Lutheranism. For one thing, there is a Compline service, which shares elements of the Lutheran Book of Worship and the modern Roman Catholic rite, although rendered in old-fashioned language. For another, very few Lutheran prayer books contain the Angelus or the Marian antiphons. Most of the hymns were translated by Anglican poets, and in general it is likely that Anglican readers will feel very ... very ... comfortable with this book.

It appears that the book, a hymnal-sized hardcover with a decent cloth binding, is going to sell for $38.95 from Amazon. (And, even at that, we make about a buck on each copy). It will come in closer to $28 if you buy direct from Lulu.


mark said...


Even Luther Reed had his shortcomings ;)

Pastor S. Blake Duncan said...

When will it be released? I would like to pick up a copy! All the best... SBD+

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! web

Father Anonymous said...

I've just ordered my copy to proofread. (It looks nice on my computer, but ... a 400-page double column book, half in Latin, is not an easy layout job.)

The thing should arrive in a few weeks; if it looks okay, I'll post links galore.

Until then, of course, the Matins and Vespers services for Advent are posted on the blog; you can download those for a taste. I'll put up a few more files when I have time.

Pastor Joelle said...

Oh for sure I'll get one. I always get these things and I think I'm gonna do my little daily devotions but the truth is I'm too much of an extrovert and scattered for that kind of spirituality. But at having something structured like this keeps me at it longer than the trying to be all mystical and zone in on God (I usually end up thinking about what I should make for dinner) But just owning these things makes me feel good :-)

Father Anonymous said...

I agree so much I just wrote a post about it. I've got a collection of these little books myself, and at one time or another I've plugged away at each of them, but ... that fly just keeps buzzing, and that coach just keeps rattling.

Father Anonymous said...

I agree so much I just wrote a post about it. I've got a collection of these little books myself, and at one time or another I've plugged away at each of them, but ... that fly just keeps buzzing, and that coach just keeps rattling.

Father Anonymous said...

I agree so much I just wrote a post about it. I've got a collection of these little books myself, and at one time or another I've plugged away at each of them, but ... that fly just keeps buzzing, and that coach just keeps rattling.

mark said...

My copy came yesterday. It looks great.