Monday, March 14, 2011

Omnium Gatherum

It's amazing how, once you have to do some real work instead of sitting around in your jammies eating Cool Whip from a spoon, all the things you used to blog about seem to stop happening.

Or maybe they are happening, but you just don't care so much. Think of Lent as a chance to practice Buddhist non--attachment.

Still, a few things have caught our attention lately. (Apart from Japan, which is too unbelievably serious for a yellow-bloggerism rag like the Egg to deal with. Do we have to say it? Okay, then: Pray. Give. Repeat.) More up our alley are these tidbits:


Pastor Joelle said...

"It's amazing how, once you have to do some real work instead of sitting around in your jammies eating Cool Whip from a spoon, all the things you used to blog about seem to stop happening."

Oh wow, I could have written that myself (except I make my own whipped cream and wouldn't TOUCH cool whip)

And I'm not sure I believe in Hell, other than that which we create ourselves now...

Father Anonymous said...

I figure it's a wait-and-see sort of thing.

But, since I have a soft spot for the notion of Purgatory, I can be comforted by a Hans urs von Balthazar-style "hope but not affirmation" that Hell exists, and is empty. Or at least nearly empty,

As for what happens in Hell, I have a pretty good idea. Every day, I walk to a diner where I once had a really good spinach pie. But today, the spinach pie is burned on the bottom, cold in the middle and has the wrong spinach-to-feta ratio. Then, when I ask for Coke, the waitress mutters "Pepsi okay." Which of course it is not.

It may not sound like Hell. It may not even sound particularly bad. But every day for the rest of time?

My only consolation is the conviction that Joe Quesada will be sitting at the next table, with a plate of soggy fries.